Screen Aspect Ratio Calculator

Screen Aspect Ratio & Dimension Calculator

Calculate image dimension (in pixels) from total number of pixels and aspect ratio

An image with 2073600 pixels and an aspect ratio of 1.000 would have dimensions of: 1440x1440

Calculate the missing value from two of height, width and aspect ratio

Aspect ratio: 1 Width: 1.000 Height: 1440

Calculate optimal viewing distance from screen size

For a screen that is diagonal and , the optimal viewing distance is between and , ideally around (based on screen height (4H-8H,6H))

Calculate screen-size to body-size ratio

My device is wide and high, with a diagonal screen size of and resolution/aspect ratio of x .

The screen (???x???) takes up 0% of the device surface area.

Calculate image dimension (in pixels) from total number of pixels and aspect ratio

  Actual Area Relative Area
Diagonal Ratio Width Height Full 4:3 3:2 16:9 2.35 Full 4:3 3:2 16:9 2.35

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