Distance Calculator

Calculate a distance between two points on earth by entering latitude and longitude pairs. Latitude and longitude are geographical coordinates used to specify a location on the Earth's surface. They form a grid system that helps pinpoint any place on the planet.

You may enter latitude and longitude as the input parameters. Alternatively, you may search for name of the city or place to find the latitude and longitude of a place. Not all locations are searchable.

First Location: You may search a location by name

Second location: You may search a location by name


How do you calculate a distance between two points on earth?

The Haversine formula is a mathematical formula used to calculate the shortest distance between two points on the surface of a sphere. It's commonly employed in navigation and geographic applications, particularly in calculating distances between two sets of latitude and longitude coordinates on the Earth. The Haversine formula is based on spherical trigonometry.

The Haversine formula is used by this online tool calculate a distance between locations given by latitude and longitude coordinates. This is useful in applications such as geolocation services, mapping, and navigation systems. A "Haversine calculator" is essentially a tool that applies the Haversine formula to compute distances between two sets of geographic coordinates.

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